North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting (September 20, 2001)
Medical Sciences Building, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN


Pete Wildenborg, Greg Smith, Anne Harri, Dan McGrane, Irene Patrek, Gary Yarrow, Brian Vetter. Guest: John Frazier.

Called to order at 7:15 p.m. by President Pete Wildenborg.

1. Minutes of the April 19, 2001 Executive Council Meeting were reviewed and approved as presented.

2. The Secretary-Treasurer's report was presented. It was accepted and approved.

3. Affiliate coordinator's report was presented as:
a. There are 16 Affiliates applications to the Chapter, which were all approved.
b. The fall meeting sponsors are Canberra, represented by Dale Elmore, Inovision, represented by John Yasenak, and ICN represented by Tom Chwierut. All three sponsored at $150 level.

4. Four Continuing Education Credits were received for the Spring Meeting and the Fall Meeting CE credits have been applied for.

5. The Fall Meeting host is Thom Hensch of the VA Medical Center.

6. Greg Smith introduced the Meeting Agenda, with Paul Ziemer as the Robert Wissink Memorial Lecturer.

7. The Chapter Award is going to be given to Mike Lewandowski.

8. The Spring Meeting will be in the Milwaukee area possibly co-hosted by Univ. of Milwaukee and Medical College of WI.


Old Business:
9. The Science and Education Committee has five applicants for the Science Teacher Award. It is the intent of the Committee to choose a winner by next week or the week after and made the award. The cash prize will be presented at that time. The Awardee will be invited to our Spring meeting and their name will be submitted to the National HPS for nomination for the National Award.

10. The Records Retention Committee will complete their task of collection and archiving all records agreed upon for archive storage in the weeks following the Fall Meeting. From this point on it will the Past-President's responsibility to collect and archive records from each previous year.

11. There have been no new Chapter logo suggestions submitted to Jan Braun so this effort will be tabled.

12. Dan McGrane presented information about the Science and Education Committee work he has begun. A short Committee meeting will be held following the Chapter meeting on Friday 9/21/01 to discuss the next steps in organizing Science Teacher Workshops.


New Business:
13. One new member applied to the NCC: Stephen Simpson of Iowa State University. There were 16 Affiliate applications/renewals. All were approved.

14. Gary Yarrow will provide the Newsletter writeup of this meeting and Irene Patrek will do Milwaukee.

15. A discussion was held on how to increase member participation, meeting attendance and increase the geographical area in which meetings were held. It was agreed to look at past meetings and try to balance the locations of the Spring out-of-Twin Cities meeting locations.

16. The President, Pete W., mentioned that there were no written guidelines in selection of the Chapter Award recipient in the bylaws. It was suggested that some of the past recipients be appointed an ad hoc committee to write down guidelines for selection. The Chapter Award presentation could be by the President-Elect of the HPS during their chapter visit and the name of the recipient should be sent to National HPS for inclusion in the Awards Banquet.


Other Business:
17. Mike Lewandowski requested a clarification of the Affiliate Membership dues payment timing and consider a Bylaws change. The Council felt the current Bylaws addressed the issue and would discuss the mechanism of dues payment with Mike to see what changes might be necessary.


Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,
Anne T. Harri
NCCHPS Sec'y-Treasurer